Monday 2 April 2012

Rumpelstiltskin Archetypes

The story Rumpelstiltskin has a few past day archetypes that came to mind. In the story Rumpelstiltskin, a Miller claims his daughter can spin straw into gold. The news soon was heard by the King. The knig captured the girl and brought locked her in a room in his castle with some straw and a spinning wheel. She was ordered that for 3 days, every morning the straw DAD to be spun into gold or she would be killed. The girl was hopeless, she had no clue what to do and thought that she was going to end up excecuted by the third day. Upon her wait in the first day, a magical creature showed up in her room, who told her he would turn the straw into gold if in return he could get the girls necklace. She accepted the offer. On the second day the creature/elf told her he would turn the straw into gold if she gave him her ring. Again, she accepted. On the third day, the creature and the girl made up a deal that if he spun the last of the straw into gold the elf would get the girls first born child in return. The deal was passed. After the three days was up the king was so impressed with this girl that he decided to marry her. She now became a queen. The queen and the king eventually had a baby together, and the creature was already over it. He demanded the child, but the Queen did not want to let it go. After many negotiations the creature told the Queen that he would let go of the original deal if she guessed his name in three days. This is where my relation to archetypes comes in. She failed the first time, but on the final night the Queens messenger discovered the dwarf's remote mountain cottage and, unseen, overheard the dwarf hopping about his fire and singing. The song that the elf was singing included his name "Rumpelstiltskin". The messenger went on to tell the Queen, and the queen 'guessed' it right.

Like I said in the summary I had a relation to Archetypes at the part where she had to guess the creatures name and her messenger ended up getting it for her. I can relate the messenger in this story to a fool, or a court jester in the midevil times. The Court Jester or fool was mainly knows at the entertainer for the king and his peers, if he did not do the right job he would be killed or fired from his job. What many people don't know is that the Court Jester stood behind the king at many times, offering him "insights" on the behavior of others. Basically, in a way, kind of like what the messanger did in the story, she got information and gave it to the higher power.

So basically, the archetype in relation to Rumpelstiltskin would have to be a court jester, or a fool. It may not seem like it at first, but the real facts uncover alot more.

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