The Dark Knight Rises is the final movie of the Dark Knight Trilogies. Bruce Wayne, or as many know him as Batman, is the protaganist of the Trilogies. The Joker being the antagonist in the first two movies, now a new antagonist is being introduced for the final movie. Batman will be the one, who brings peace to some communities, citys, and countries, even his own. But when doing this, because he is a "super-hero" he will need ot take many breath taking risks in completing his task.
That brings me to my statement. When taking risks, in Batman's case life taking ones, will always have a good side and a bad side. He may take a risk, and pass it, going on to his next task, or he could fail and death could always be that possibility. When thinking of risks, gambling comes to mind. A gambler is always taking risks, betting small amounts of money, maybe large amounts, to eventually increase his/hers amount of money. In some cases a gambler doesn't always win, or pass his/hers risk, and will lose an amount of money, possibly all of it which could lead to major life changes. I can compare Batman to being a gambler. Putting his life on the line to hopefully completle his task.
The trailer opens up as a boy sings the American anthem at a football game, in the background it shows many people as spectators at what it looks to be a football game. This shows that the protagonist will probably have to be dealing with a major issue that deals with many people, and these people's lifes in danger. Again, another gamble. Batman, upping the ante and dealing with more than just money, but a society of people in this world. Another part in the trailer shows a group of armed jail mates escaping a prison. This too sets the stakes higher because now Batman is dealing with not only a new villina, but an army of amred cons that are out to get him. It then later cuts to a scene where Batman is being assisted in battling these people in the air, and on land. This whole trailer resembles Batman as being a gambler.. Putting his life on the line to ensure the saftey of society.
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